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7 Benefits Of Using Water Softener At Home

Scott • June 24, 2019

If you are thinking to install a water softening system at your home, stop thinking and do it right now! Water softeners have very good benefits. To understand better, here are a few things you will get after a water softening service:  Reduced electricity bill Any pipes and appliances that use water to function, such […] The post 7 Benefits Of Using Water Softener At Home appeared first on Aspen Plumbing and Rooter.

If you are thinking to install a water softening system at your home, stop thinking and do it right now! Water softeners have very good benefits. To understand better, here are a few things you will get after a water softening service: 

Reduced electricity bill

Any pipes and appliances that use water to function, such as a dishwasher or coffee pot, work even more efficiently with a water softener . There is no limescale, which means there is no interference with heat transfer or clogged pipes . If the water heater uses soft water instead of hard water , 22%-29% less energy is consumed.

2-Increased life of pipes and appliances

When limescale gets developed on pipe, galvanic corrosion occurs. This type of corrosion damages the surface of anything that is even slightly conductive to electricity. Therefore the life of the pipe reduces and you need to buy new expensive pipes. There are ions in hard water that form soap scum which is an insoluble salt. The marks it leaves can be removed by some hard scrubbing. Such hard scrub can leave marks on your item and damage it.

3-Reduced need for soap with the water softener

Hard water reduces the lather in soap or shampoo, therefore you need to use more of the soap or shampoo. When you use a water softener, the use of these products reduces by 70% to 75%. You can get a lot of lather from a lesser amount of soap.

4-Soft and bright fabric

Minerals found in hard water get trapped in the fabric particles. This can make your clothes look stiff and dull. You can keep your clothes look new and bright for a longer time by using soft water.

5-Watering plants become easier

No one ever wants to use chlorinated water on plants. What some people do is they let water sit in a container for at least half an hour. This helps to drift out any chlorine from water. Then this water is used for watering plants. Whereas if you use a water softener, you can use the water straight from the tap to water your plants.

6-The life of your sewer system increases

If limescale settles in your pipe, it can reduce the diameter of your pipe by creating an extra layer inside. Thus water pressure increases and it may damage your sewer system . Water softeners can save you with this problem.

7- Better health

According to H.H. Mitchell, our brain and heart are composed of 73% water. Now you can think about how much water is essential for our body and if this water comes into the hard water form then health problems will start. A healthy life does not only comes with exercise and taking healthy foods but also drinking adequate amounts of water and if we don’t stop drinking Hard water then it can be dangerous for your health in the long run.

Do you know that excessive intake of calcium and magnesium can promote the stone build up in the body? Calcium can cause an overgrowth of bone joints if we take in an excess amount of hard water for a long time. It can also result in rough throat and may change the white color of your teeth into yellow color.

Use soften water only and drink water as much as possible because it has a moderate level of calcium and magnesium and this ability makes it good for your heart health, keeps your skin smooth and environment-friendly.

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